Dispensary location-based marketing

potential customers

Dispensary location-based marketing

Topic paragraph text

Types of greenhouses and their features

Finding SEO Keywords for Free

The headline options are between 40-60 characters

74% of the conditions claimed to be treatable with cannabis are not even acknowledged by the NASEM report

Your writing is your client’s property, self-plagiarism is still plagiarism

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Cannabis SEO

How to select the right greenhouse for your location

3% of conditions actually have evidence that cannabis/cannabinoids are an ineffective treatment

When you look over the keywords that you’ve found, you’ll immediately notice that some are totally irrelevant or don’t make sense. You can just delete these or ignore them since they are very obviously lacking in relevance. Next, look at each keyword and consider what the intent is when someone types it into Google. Some keywords have very vague intent or intent that does not match your goals. An example of this is “CBD tincture Reddit” this keyword is both irrelevant and does not meet intent since a person searching this is looking for that Reddit page.

There is also a very wide spectrum when it comes to skill and quality. You can get a blog for as little as five dollars from a foreign Fiverr freelancer, but the quality of this blog is going to be very low. It will use the keywords you specify, but will essentially be vacant of useful, factual, and/or interesting information and likely will sound like it wasn’t written by a native English speaker. This information-vacant content can also be called “copypasta.” While you might think, “At least I’ll have something that uses some good keywords.” You’ll be disappointed to learn that search engines will penalize your website for using information-vacant content that is stuffed with keywords.

Once you have identified your audience, topics, and keywords, it is time to create a content plan. Your content plan will give you a roadmap to creating a blog that is organized, successful, and impactful. These are the four types of content you will address in your content plan:

Only capitalize “cannabis” as “Cannabis” when it is the first word in a sentence or is being used as a proper noun to refer to the species cannabis.

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Organic Website Traffic: Unpaid website traffic driven

Mechoulam, R., Parker, L. A., & Gallily, R. (2002). Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(S1), 11S-19S.]

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The paper “A content analysis of internet information sources on medical cannabis (Kruger, et al. 2020)” illustrates the tension between conventional medicine, the interested public audience, and content marketing. They point out that medical cannabis users put more trust in medical cannabis than in mainstream healthcare and are less likely to seek information from healthcare providers. They also report on where this demographic is getting their information and what sources they are putting trust in.

Your writing sample should be written in a [Google Doc], and submitted via a link to it. Be sure you have a [Google account, and familiarize yourself with the Google Drive and Google Doc] interface if you haven’t used it before.

cannabis industry

Hemp and CBD must be certified organic by a USDA accredited agency and registered as such to legally make the claim of being organic.

Your client will provide you with a writing topic and target keyword phrase


-Kruger, et al. (2020)

Here is an example of a content plan for a cannabis greenhouse company that utilizes these elements. Notice that there are three main topics that form cornerstones and subtopics that are suitable for general content.

Finding SEO Keywords for Free……………… 10

Marketing “Organic” Hemp and CBD

cannabis industry
online presence

online presence

Researching Content Topics…………………….. 14

It is vitally important to remember that your cannabis content has a second audience behind your consumers. This audience is the FDA, the agency that regulates consumable products and pharmaceuticals. Understanding their regulation and authority is of vital importance because an FDA warning letter will live right next to your website in search results! It can also carry financial consequences great enough to put you out of business.

1% of conditions have moderate evidence for cannabis/cannabinoid treatment effectiveness

FDA blog language guidance for CBD writing

Longtail Keywords: Phrases that people use in search engines

The main keyword is inserted in at least one H2

cannabis businesses

An FDA warning letter is a letter that can be issued for many reasons. Most of the CBD companies that have been issued warning letters have violated FDA marketing restrictions for CBD. Namely, they are making medical claims about their products. Anyone selling cannabis or CBD, or marketing it, should read “FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD) https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/fda-regulation-cannabis-and-cannabis-derived-products-including-cannabidiol-cbd.”

Freelance Writing Agencies

The next step with this outline is to create article outlines for the three major topics. However, you’ll also want to consider your keyword research. In this example, buying, building, and operating a greenhouse are all top keywords and major themes. However, keyword data also suggests that cannabis lighting and cultivation are also very relevant. In this case, the greenhouse company needs to consider if it is something to give more attention to. Since this greenhouse company also sells lighting and cultivation supplies, they will add these as cornerstone topics as well as include them as part of their operational content.

In addition to the FDA guidance, CBD recipes are impractical and ineffective. In most cases, they are just a waste to people. This is because CBD tinctures, CBD oil, and CBD isolate powders are not water-soluble. That is, they only dissolve in oil (and have a bad taste). Also, if a product is intended to be heated, the CBD will be in its acidic form (CBDA). CBDA is not active in the body until it is decarboxylated into CBD (the same goes for THCA and THC). So the CBD product may not be in the right form to be eaten.

Images not be in-lined and should only follow paragraphs after a single line break and be succeeded with a single line break

Iffland, K., & Grotenhermen, F. (2017). An update on safety and side effects of cannabidiol: a review of clinical data and relevant animal studies. Cannabis and cannabinoid research, 2(1), 139-154. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/can.2016.0034


keyword research

Many of these conditions lack conclusive or substantial evidence to support the claim that cannabis/cannabinoids were effective treatments. While it is expected that cannabis is not well supported as a treatment for most conditions, some of the medical claims being made are actually quite dangerous and misleading.

Below is a sample outline of the style and layout expected in the writing sample

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3% of conditions show evidence that using cannabis would increase the person’s risks


Cannabis legal compliance in marketing