Cannabis ad creative optimization

technical seo

Cannabis ad creative optimization

Here is an example of the Dope SEO Style Guide that is given to content writers. When working with hired content writers, they will typically provide you with the content in a Word document or Google document so actual formatting (font, size, color, etc.) is not too critical as the WordPress theme will typically update these aspects.

Personal anecdotal experiences

The internet has become a ubiquitous tool for every industry. A business simply cannot exist without an online presence. In addition to playing an essential role in business, the internet also plays a crucial role in education. In this context, the public gets online seeking out products and information. Search engines, especially Google, are the most popular way to find what they want. That means businesses need to have an online presence that is visible through search engines.

Google Seach Console

People still want and need to know

After finding keywords, there’s three main steps to complete before you start writing cannabis content:

-Kruger, et al. (2020)

Cannabis SEO

CBD “Recipes”………………………………………… 7

1.15 line spacing

Use to find open-access articles from scholarly sources

Types of greenhouse plastics

AI is good for article filler like introductions to articles and paragraphs but you still need to do the work to give the article its “meat and bones”

Always avoid terms like, “treat,” “cure,” “therapy,” and “therapeutic,” that suggest CBD or cannabis is a medical product.

Cannabis SEO

google maps

google maps

Inorganic Website Traffic: Website traffic driven by paid advertising

Always avoid terms like, “treat,” “cure,” “therapy,” “therapeutic,” that suggest CBD or cannabis is a medical product. Attribute “observations,” “study findings,” “[source] claims/found/suggested that…”

SEO Definitions………………………………………….. 9

Likewise, if a product claims to be “GMP,” it must be registered as such with the FDA. This requires independent certification, but without a registration number from the FDA you cannot make any GMP-related claim! When it comes to wholesale and white-labeling, the product ceases to be GMP unless the seller/final brand of the product maintains those GMP conditions. This means also registering with the FDA.

Introduction paragraph text


You could throw in a quote: