Cannabis user-generated content

CBD tinctures

Consider the intent behind the keywords

Before starting, you will want to consider these points:

Remember, CBD products are not new at this point. They were very recklessly marketed when they first came available, so responsible and educational marketing is very important. Integrity in CBD marketing means accepting and acknowledging the limitations and risks of the product as well as the benefits. If you aren’t honest about the full picture, you have no business producing or selling a product that can hurt people and does have side effects.

The article has a clear introduction and a clear conclusion

Ranking: Position a website shows up in when searching related keywords on a search engine, where everyone is competing to reach the first page of search results

H2 to be formatted with a font of Calibri, ‘black’ color, size 16 and bolded

Cannabis SEO Content 101

Analyze the competition

Likewise, a writer may ask a client if they have any references from previous freelancers

Marijuana lead generation

keyword research

Body: “Normal text” (use ctrl+shift+v to paste without source formatting)

FTC blog language guidance for CBD writing

Body Text

The FDA’s Stance on Hemp-Derived CBD as a Dietary Supplement (Part 1)

Someone would want to click on these if they saw them on Google (use power words)

If you are not already familiar with the legal status of your topic, take some time to do so. This is especially important when talking about CBD.

Differs based on product formulation

local seo

All cornerstone content should also be evergreen content. This means that you need to have a schedule for actively updating articles to ensure they are relevant. Updates should include adding links to new content and updating technical SEO as new search features and changes to search algorithms arise. This helps cornerstone content retain and improve its search ranking. None of your content should ever be orphan content. Orphan content is a sign that you have deviated from your content plan and this type of content will be virtually invisible to search engines.

Answer the Public


cbd tincture review

Cannabis greenhouse lighting

local seo
google ads

google ads

What font type and size (and color) is used?

Ignore irrelevant keywords

Avoid the use of bank transfers; get paid through an agency website if you are using one

Introduction to Cannabis Content Writing


Cannabis SEO
brand awareness

Cannabis lighting

The conclusion has a call to action

Analyze the keywords, and study their intent, relevance, and competition

Please read through this entire exercise. There are many helpful links and resources that will help you create the best writing sample possible.

-Kruger, et al. (2020)

Table of Contents

cbd lotion for nerve pain

cannabis businesses

Google Search Bar

Have I read other blogs on this client’s site to get an understanding of their style?

You can also use Keywords Everywhere, Answer the Public, or Moz to do free keyword research. You’ll notice that some keywords are single words and others are phrases. These phrases are called “longtail keywords.”

In return for this writing, you will receive payment on individually agreed-upon terms

Hiring Tool: SEO Content Writing Sample for Cannabis Content

Color should mostly be black