Cannabis digital analytics

Topic paragraph text

Types of greenhouses and their features

Finding SEO Keywords for Free

The headline options are between 40-60 characters

74% of the conditions claimed to be treatable with cannabis are not even acknowledged by the NASEM report

Your writing is your client’s property, self-plagiarism is still plagiarism

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Lastly, the product gets diluted so much that it does not likely deliver a significant dose to have activity. The bioavailability of CBD when eaten/drank is very low, estimated to be around 6% (Millar, et al. 2020), so in addition to dilution, only a very small ineffective amount actually makes it to the bloodstream. Since you aren’t a pharmacist or doctor, you should not try to advise people on dosing their food with CBD. However, CBD recipes essentially do just that (and they do it poorly).

Crafting General Content……………………….. 12

Maybe a good place for a list:

When writing content, you’ll need to do some research on the topic itself. To do this you should turn to sources that are very trustworthy. Not only that but since you will likely be linking to these sources, you need to be sure they do not compete with your own business. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Keyword Research: Identifies the words and phrases that people are searching for

AI content can be detected, in the future, search engines will likely improve algorithms so AI content will be less valued than original content

local seo

Nutrient dosers


The text is broken up with headers tagged as H2s, then H3s and H4s if needed

SEO: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) identifies the elements of content that search engines rank and leverages those elements to drive organic website traffic

Creating a Content Plan

PubChem (

References……………………………………………….. 21

cannabis businesses

Many of these conditions lack conclusive or substantial evidence to support the claim that cannabis/cannabinoids were effective treatments. While it is expected that cannabis is not well supported as a treatment for most conditions, some of the medical claims being made are actually quite dangerous and misleading.

Below is a sample outline of the style and layout expected in the writing sample

High pressure sodium lamps

3% of conditions show evidence that using cannabis would increase the person’s risks


cannabis businesses
product pages

product pages

Hemp and CBD must be certified organic by a USDA accredited agency and registered as such to legally make the claim of being organic.

Your client will provide you with a writing topic and target keyword phrase


-Kruger, et al. (2020)

Here is an example of a content plan for a cannabis greenhouse company that utilizes these elements. Notice that there are three main topics that form cornerstones and subtopics that are suitable for general content.

Finding SEO Keywords for Free……………… 10

Marketing “Organic” Hemp and CBD

Cannabis marketing strategy

brand awareness

Organic Website Traffic: Unpaid website traffic driven

Mechoulam, R., Parker, L. A., & Gallily, R. (2002). Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(S1), 11S-19S.]

Tension relief

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The paper “A content analysis of internet information sources on medical cannabis (Kruger, et al. 2020)” illustrates the tension between conventional medicine, the interested public audience, and content marketing. They point out that medical cannabis users put more trust in medical cannabis than in mainstream healthcare and are less likely to seek information from healthcare providers. They also report on where this demographic is getting their information and what sources they are putting trust in.

Your writing sample should be written in a [Google Doc], and submitted via a link to it. Be sure you have a [Google account, and familiarize yourself with the Google Drive and Google Doc] interface if you haven’t used it before.

internal linking

Researching Content Topics…………………….. 14

It is vitally important to remember that your cannabis content has a second audience behind your consumers. This audience is the FDA, the agency that regulates consumable products and pharmaceuticals. Understanding their regulation and authority is of vital importance because an FDA warning letter will live right next to your website in search results! It can also carry financial consequences great enough to put you out of business.

1% of conditions have moderate evidence for cannabis/cannabinoid treatment effectiveness

FDA blog language guidance for CBD writing

Longtail Keywords: Phrases that people use in search engines

The main keyword is inserted in at least one H2

Cannabis SEO