Cannabis e-commerce

Finally, one last thing to avoid in CBD marketing is CBD recipes. The FDA prohibits adding CBD to food. People do it anyway, after all, there are tons of CBD drinks and cannabinoid edibles on the market. Are they legal? Not entirely, but the FDA has yet to enforce action against CBD drinks, gummies, chocolates, and the like. However, you should not write CBD recipe blogs or put recipes on your website.

No mixing CBD with food

womens cbd products

Before moving on, it is important to understand some definitions and terms used in SEO.

Identifying SEO Topics


This Cannabis SEO Guide will educate and empower you to create successful cannabis content. In addition to providing technical guidance, this guide will give you context and advice specific to cannabis. Whether you are a cannabis product maker, marketer, or writer, you will get a comprehensive understanding that will set you up for success. Before diving into the nuts and bolts of cannabis SEO, this guide will give you some background information and legal information that will help you better understand the audience, the products, and the regulatory and legal environment that you’ll be working in.

The FDA has withheld from classifying CBD under its regulations. This means that CBD is not a dietary supplement and cannot be marketed as such.

What Not to Say About Cannabis

Find keywords from a variety of sources

wild brand cbd

Cannabis product promotion

cannabis retailers

cannabis retailers

H4 to be formatted with a font of Calibri, ‘black’ color, size 12 and bolded

Chandra, S., Lata, H., ElSohly, M. A., Walker, L. A., & Potter, D. (2017). Cannabis cultivation: methodological issues for obtaining medical-grade product. Epilepsy & Behavior, 70, 302–312.

Step 2: Format (Replace with your own style guide)

Hiring Tool: SEO Content Writing Sample for Cannabis Content……………………………………… 16

The Writing Sample itself should not take more than two hours to complete

Study your topic, define your brand, define your audience, and set a goal

Am I clear about the agreed-upon rate and billing terms for my writing sample?

A “therapy” or “therapeutic” substance must be FDA regulated and approved. Epidiolex is one of the only cannabinoid products that meets these criteria (for limited pharmaceutical applications). Therapeutic and therapy are protected words that are explicit to products with FDA approval for medical uses.

There are a few different types of service agreements cannabis content writers commonly work with. These include hourly, by-the-word, and by-the-project. Billing frequencies are usually monthly or bi-monthly. You will want to negotiate these terms with your client and write them up in a service agreement.

Chandra, S., Lata, H., & ElSohly, M. A. (Eds.). (2017). Cannabis sativa L.-botany and biotechnology. Springer.

Content Plan Example

google maps

Keyword Analysis: Intent, Relevance, and Competition

Title: Heading 1 format (note- do not use the “title” format option)

Offer to have a conference call with a client before taking on their project

cbd tincture 1000mg

Cannabis content comes with a variety of price tags. Cannabis blog articles under 1000 words can be found for as little as $15 per article. These tend to be very low-quality articles that can actually hurt a website’s Google analytics. Most clients are willing to pay at least $20 per hour for good content writing. For typical posts under 1500 words, this can be a $20 to $100 cannabis article. For longer posts and cannabis ultimate guides that take more time to write $75 to $200 is a more accurate price tag. If you are paying by the word, $0.05 to $0.07 is reasonable for a decent writer, experts may cost more. Remember- You get what you pay for!