Cannabis online presence

keyword research

Cannabis online presence

Cannabis greenhouse light deprivation

If you do not use a freelancing agency website, PayPal and Venmo are standard (be wary of Zelle)

Image files should have a name that describes the image with keywords

No medical claims

“Therapeutic” CBD and Hemp Flower………… 6

Marketing “Organic” Hemp and CBD…………. 6

Default font formatting has a font of Calibri, ‘black’ color and size 11

Metal halide lamps

Hydroponic nutrients

Be sure to proofread your article when you are done. You may want to take some time away from writing before proofreading. The free Grammarly browser extension can help detect errors that Google does not pick up. Keep in mind there are some cannabis grammar quirks and preferences that exist. Here are some simple ones to keep in mind:

Keyword Analysis: Intent, Relevance, and Competition…………………………………………… 11

potential customers

Chandra, S., Lata, H., ElSohly, M. A., Walker, L. A., & Potter, D. (2017). Cannabis cultivation: methodological issues for obtaining medical-grade product. Epilepsy & Behavior, 70, 302–312.

Content Plan Example……………………………. 13

Crafting Cornerstone Content

wild by nature cbd reviews

Left justified

brand awareness


DIY versus hiring a contractor

Chandra, S., Lata, H., & ElSohly, M. A. (Eds.). (2017). Cannabis sativa L.-botany and biotechnology. Springer.

Energy, focus, attentiveness, alertness

To date, FDA has not approved a marketing application for cannabis for the treatment of any disease or condition and thus has not determined that cannabis is safe and effective for any particular disease or condition.”

If information from other sources was used, the source is credited and hyperlinked

Dispensary website design

brand awareness
cannabis businesses

cannabis businesses

cbd cream for foot pain

Font: Arial, 11

Is Cannabis Actually an Effective Treatment?

Most FDA violations come from making medical claims about products. The term “medical claims” is broader than direct claims like, “CBD tincture relieves pain.” In addition to claims about medical effects, “medical claims” also encompass claims about dosage, certifications, and classifications of products.

Only capitalize “sativa” and “indica” when it is the first word in a sentence.

Tunnel greenhouses

Artisanal CBD products

Cannabis SEO
online presence

Sub-Headings: Heading 2 and Heading 3 formats

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) “The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research” is the official US report on cannabis that summarized what is currently known about the use of cannabis to treat health and medical conditions. Kruger, et al. (2020) compared this report to the 151 medical and health conditions that were mentioned by internet content as being treatable with cannabis.

Evergreen Content: Content that is regularly updated to ensure it is still relevant

Use “marijuana” not “marihuana” unless it is a direct quote or specific to a keyword

FDA blog language guidance for CBD writing.