Cannabis customer engagement

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Cannabis customer engagement

CBD “Recipes”………………………………………… 7

1.15 line spacing

Use to find open-access articles from scholarly sources

Types of greenhouse plastics

AI is good for article filler like introductions to articles and paragraphs but you still need to do the work to give the article its “meat and bones”

Always avoid terms like, “treat,” “cure,” “therapy,” and “therapeutic,” that suggest CBD or cannabis is a medical product.

Operating a Cannabis Greenhouse

Content Creation: Generation of content that utilizes keywords to drive website traffic, educates and informs consumers, and entices them to purchase products

Titles and Headers/Headlines

Larsen, C., & Shahinas, J. (2020). Dosage, efficacy and safety of cannabidiol administration in adults: a systematic review of human trials. Journal of clinical medicine research, 12(3), 129.

How Can You Talk About CBD Dosage?

How Inaccurate Are Internet Claims About Cannabis Treatments?

Another effective approach to talking about cannabinoid dosage is to explain to customers how to calculate and estimate CBD mg per g in a product. If you are someone who makes a cannabinoid product, consider these recommendations when designing your labeling:

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Step 3: Writing

Backlink: A link to your content that appears on another website, typically helps to increase ranking, domain ratings, and page ratings

This article from the FDA will give you an in-depth understanding of what is and is not legal when selling and marketing cannabis products. The FDA guidelines for CBD products are both as clear a vague as possible:

Conclusion paragraph text

Subtopic paragraph text

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Sub-Topic B

The FDA’s Stance on Hemp-Derived CBD as a Dietary Supplement (Part 2)

Differs from person to person

The end of this article is just the beginning of your cannabis SEO journey. It is good to start this journey by creating your content plan, identifying your major keywords, and creating a style guide. With these starting elements in place, you can decide what elements to take on yourself and what should be hired out to a freelance writer or SEO agency. You will also want to make sure you have your marketing budget and marketing priorities planned before reaching out. Freelancers and SEO agencies can be the most effective when you have clear goals for them to meet.

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Cannabis SEO
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Mechoulam, R., Parker, L. A., & Gallily, R. (2002). Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(S1), 11S-19S.

Here are some provided references that can be found using Google Scholar:

So who is doing this writing? Most articles don’t even have authors or citations. However, if you go on freelancer platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork, you’ll quickly learn who is writing this content. Most content writers are freelancers. Some have marketing experience or education, but most are self-taught.

Consider the massive amount of health and medical information that you find on the front page of Google. Virtually none of the sites you see first have information that is written by a doctor or person with any medical training. But what you do find is information that answers the search query from websites with high domain ratings and near-perfect data structure.

Water-soluble and nanoemulsion CBD preparations do exist. If you are making edible cannabinoid products, you should consider using these preparations for better product quality. At the end of the day, just don’t bother with CBD recipe blogs though.

Overall, the writing sample does not need to be more than 750 words and should not exceed 1000 words. A minimum of 500 words is requested. The formatting template above may be helpful to use as a template. Your individual topic and keyword target will vary. You will want to keep them in mind as you write. For a great guide on how to use SEO keywords, you can go to Moz. In addition to your assigned keyword, you can use related keywords to really beef up your SEO. You can find related keywords simply by entering the keyword target in the google search bar. The phrases that come up below will be related keywords and long-tail keywords.

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The article uses active voice instead of passive voice

Packaging should comply with Dietary Supplement FDA requirements, however, you should not claim or imply to actually be a dietary supplement or any other type of FDA-regulated product

What Not to Say About Cannabis………………… 4

Identifying SEO keywords is an essential step in writing effective content. Doing good keyword research ensures you have a solid basis for your content marketing plan. It is also important to keep doing this research over time. That’s because people’s interests change, and also Google search algorithms change. Here is an overview of how to identify SEO keywords:

Step 1: Background

If you are in need of hiring highly skilled cannabis content writers, you will want to get a writing sample. From a client perspective, you can always re-work writing samples into your blog. From a cannabis content writer angle, you are doing a guaranteed paid project. So, writing samples are win-win. Below is a hiring exercise for cannabis content writers. You are free to use and adapt this writing sample exercise. It is a great tool for hiring content writers and educating new content writers on good habits. When using this template, be sure to customize it, fields that are bracketed in red will require you to customize them.

Let’s talk about technical formatting now that you understand how to identify your audience, generate content topics, and find keywords. The technical side of SEO can be the most difficult to perfect, but it has a huge influence on making your content visible to search engines. The most basic aspect of technical SEO is ensuring your content is written in the proper style. For this, you will want to create a style guide that will give your website a consistent appearance.

Cannabis audience targeting