Cannabis mobile app marketing

brand awareness

Cannabis mobile app marketing

Organic nutrients

Step 5: Submit Your Writing Sample

Crafting General Content

The article has one external link (to another website)

Artisanal CBD products

Landscape images to be used where possible

Cannabis SEO

If you are using AI like chatGPT, remember the following

CBD “Recipes”

What citation style is used for references?

Website content

DopeSEO Style Guide

cbd gummies for morning

Step 4: Proofreading

google ads

Default font formatting has a font of Calibri, ‘black’ color and size 11

Metal halide lamps

Hydroponic nutrients

Be sure to proofread your article when you are done. You may want to take some time away from writing before proofreading. The free Grammarly browser extension can help detect errors that Google does not pick up. Keep in mind there are some cannabis grammar quirks and preferences that exist. Here are some simple ones to keep in mind:

Keyword Analysis: Intent, Relevance, and Competition…………………………………………… 11

Marijuana CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

online presence

Cannabis lighting

The conclusion has a call to action

Analyze the keywords, and study their intent, relevance, and competition

Please read through this entire exercise. There are many helpful links and resources that will help you create the best writing sample possible.

-Kruger, et al. (2020)

Table of Contents

cbd lotion for nerve pain

online presence
product pages

Specific phrases or comments can be formatted with bold or italics for emphasis as necessary


Use professional organizations and government websites such as:

Audience: CBD consumers, age 35-50, natural product consumers, moms, farmer’s market shoppers, natural product boutiques

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique that works for both products and information. It is a method of creating content that is optimized to be highly visible in search results. This is accomplished through technical measures like structuring website pages in an organized way and ensuring that website metadata is optimized, and also in creative ways such as using keywords in blogs and product descriptions and having high-quality information and backlinks.

Block quotes should not be used except for long quotations or citations. Denote block quotes within Google Docs using triple quotes in its own paragraph:

Gable top greenhouses

keyword research

Google Search Bar

Have I read other blogs on this client’s site to get an understanding of their style?

You can also use Keywords Everywhere, Answer the Public, or Moz to do free keyword research. You’ll notice that some keywords are single words and others are phrases. These phrases are called “longtail keywords.”

In return for this writing, you will receive payment on individually agreed-upon terms

Hiring Tool: SEO Content Writing Sample for Cannabis Content

Color should mostly be black