Cannabis online reviews

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SEO Definitions

Site selection


Be careful with wording if you put a recommended dose on packaging

H4 to be formatted with a font of Calibri, ‘black’ color, size 12 and bolded

Chandra, S., Lata, H., ElSohly, M. A., Walker, L. A., & Potter, D. (2017). Cannabis cultivation: methodological issues for obtaining medical-grade product. Epilepsy & Behavior, 70, 302–312.

Step 2: Format (Replace with your own style guide)

Hiring Tool: SEO Content Writing Sample for Cannabis Content……………………………………… 16

The Writing Sample itself should not take more than two hours to complete

Cannabis SEO

google maps

Keyword Analysis: Intent, Relevance, and Competition

Title: Heading 1 format (note- do not use the “title” format option)

Offer to have a conference call with a client before taking on their project

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Cannabis content comes with a variety of price tags. Cannabis blog articles under 1000 words can be found for as little as $15 per article. These tend to be very low-quality articles that can actually hurt a website’s Google analytics. Most clients are willing to pay at least $20 per hour for good content writing. For typical posts under 1500 words, this can be a $20 to $100 cannabis article. For longer posts and cannabis ultimate guides that take more time to write $75 to $200 is a more accurate price tag. If you are paying by the word, $0.05 to $0.07 is reasonable for a decent writer, experts may cost more. Remember- You get what you pay for!

technical seo

Now that you understand the contextual elements of cannabis SEO, we can focus on the nuts and bolts. Here are five major goals your Cannabis SEO marketing plan should strive to achieve:

SEO Style Guide……………………………………….. 15

Introduction to Cannabis Content Writing…… 1

CBD Company A

Links have no formatting requirements (WordPress will format them per your theme)

Second Topic

Dispensary loyalty programs

technical seo
seo services

No standardized recommendation

It is ok to ask for references from previous clients

Page Rating

Metadata: Data (such as tags) that tells search engines about your website and content that makes it easier for search engines to know what your content is about


Sub-Topic A

Freelancer Scams and Etiquette

cannabis retailers

Topic paragraph text

CBD tinctures

Underlining or color changes are not recommended due to potential clashes with the formatting of anchor text in the WordPress theme settings on certain websites

General content should cover sub-topics of your website and specific topics such as information on specific products, addressing common customer questions, and reporting on news and announcements.

Make sure line spacing height and use of indentations is consistent throughout the content and throughout the website.