Cannabis affiliate marketing

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Cannabis affiliate marketing

“Start low and go slow” is one practical and accurate recommendation. Starting at low amounts of product and slowly increasing (titration) has been recommended in some CBD research. It is vague and not too helpful, but it isn’t inaccurate. It should also be mentioned that if someone takes too much CBD, they will likely feel side effects.

-Torgerson, et al. (2020)

The headers have AP Style capitalization (

Here is an example of using a topic list to identify keywords:

Supplemental lighting for cannabis greenhouses

Cannabis e-commerce

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When writing about cannabis, especially CBD, it is extremely important to account for legal considerations. Be sure to read these two articles to get a deeper understanding of what regulators will take issue with:

Conclusion: Starting Your Cannabis SEO Journey

For H2 headers (paragraph headers)

Subtopic paragraph text

Cannabis SEO

organic traffic

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Gothic greenhouses

Stylistic Considerations

Buying a Cannabis Greenhouse

Keyword: Words that people use in search engines

How to Identify SEO Keywords………………….. 10

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There are also great online tools for reviewing writing for passive voice. You will want to write in an active voice as much as possible.

To familiarize yourself with the style of writing we have in mind, you can view some of these blog posts: [insert links to examples of content you desire]

“Organic” is a serious legal claim that MUST be backed up with documentation. There are many unaccredited agencies offering to “certify” organic hemp. However, if they are not accredited by the USDA, their certification is meaningless! You are responsible for proving that your product is organic if you make that claim. That means fact-checking the farmers that are selling you their “organic” hemp.

For subtitles (text under images)

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APA is the most common citation style, but others can be used if desired as long as you keep it consistent

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How to Identify SEO Keywords

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Spacing and indentations

“Understanding of cannabis is generally modest among the general public. Medical cannabis users have remarkably low to moderate knowledge of important aspects of cannabis such as medical effectiveness, cannabinoid content and effective dosages, and effective harm reduction techniques.”

The result is a comprehensive knowledge base that engages and educates consumers while attracting website traffic. You can actually see this project at to see how the end result was executed. The last step in your content plan should be to keep a schedule of when to update articles. For cornerstone content, this should happen once or twice a year. For general content, you can update them less frequently. In either case, you should plan an annual SEO audit of your website to make sure everything is kept fresh. One great way to do this is to assign employees to read blog articles and provide feedback as part of their training. This helps to identify issues and areas for improvement and also educates employees so they can provide better customer care and have a deeper understanding of the business.

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Have a food safety lawyer review labeling and dosage-related information

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H3 to be formatted with a font of Calibri, ‘black’ color, size 14 and bolded

So how do you describe the effects of cannabis? You need to get creative and use words that describe a feeling. Examples include:

“FDA is aware that unapproved cannabis or cannabis-derived products are being used for the treatment of a number of medical conditions including, for example, AIDS wasting, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, and cancer and chemotherapy-induced nausea.

Paying a Cannabis Content Writer

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92% of sites suggested using cannabis for specific health or medical conditions

Cornerstone content should encompass the major themes and topics of your website. These themes and topics are often very general keywords with very high competition for search rankings, so you need to say a lot about them and say it well. A good practice for identifying cornerstone content topics is to create a flow chart or outline.

“Therapeutic” CBD and Hemp Flower


East Coast